Dublin Castle · 15th & 16th November 2022

Wednesday 16th November

Maria Graham

Assistant Secretary, Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Ireland

Welcome from Chairperson:

Speaking at: 9:00 am November 16, 2022

Developing a shared and safe space for offshore renewable energy in Ireland

Speaking at: 9:10 am November 16, 2022

Martina Hennessy

Principal Officer, Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, Ireland

Kai Truempler

Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), Germany

Shipping and the Use of Maritime Space in Times of Offshore Wind Energy Expansion: Lessons for Policy Makers and Industry

Speaking at: 9:30 am November 16, 2022

Development and implementation of a safety regime for shipping in relation to offshore wind developments.

Speaking at: 9:50 am November 16, 2022

Carien Droppers

Coordinating Specialist Advisor Shipping, Rijkswaterstaat Sea and Delta, The Netherlands

Nigel Hare

Director of Navigational Requirements, Trinity House, UK

Offshore Wind Developments and Safe Navigation

The Experience of the UK General Lighthouse Authorities

Speaking at: 10:50 am November 16, 2022

A Developer’s Perspective on the Maritime Safety Aspects of Offshore Renewable Energy Development

Speaking at: 11:10 am November 16, 2022

Adam Cronin

Head of Offshore – DP Energy

Panel Discussion including:

Cormac Gebruers

National Maritime College of Ireland

Robert Mc Cabe

Chair of the Seafood and Offshore Energy Working Group

Noel Cunniffe

CEO of Wind Energy Ireland

Sponsorship opportunities.

There are a small number of high profile sponsorship packages available. For further information, contact Jane McGahern on 01 271 5455 or email jane.mcgahern@irishlights.ie


Commissioners of Irish Lights


Dublin Castle

Session 4

Ports and Regional Infrastructure in 2050

Tuesday 15th November

Session 1

Navigating Safely and Sustainably to 2050

Session 2

Will technology change the future of navigation and what are the implications for safety and sustainability?

Conference Programme
Navigating to 2050
A Safe and Sustainable Maritime Future.

Tuesday 15th November 2022

Session one - Navigating Safely and Sustainably to 2050

8:00 am

Registration and Refreshments

9:00 am
Welcome and Introduction
Yvonne Shields O’Connor, 
CEO, Irish Lights.
9:15 am
Conference Opening
Minister Hildegarde Naughton, 
Minister of State, Department of Transport.
9:25 am
Session 1. Navigating Safely and Sustainably to 2050
Opening remarks from Session Chairperson
Dr. Paul Little, 
CEO, City of Glasgow College and Chair of UK Shipping Skills Taskforce.
9:30 am
Conference Keynote Address:  
Transitioning to a Sustainable and Profitable Decarbonised Shipping Future
Anthony Gurnee, 
Founder and CEO of Ardmore Shipping, Ireland.
9:55 am
Safety and Sustainability:  
Ensuring the Resilience of Future Shipping
Maja Markovčić Kostelac, 
Executive Director, European Maritime Safety Agency, Portugal.
10:15 am
Reality 2050:  
Meeting IMO targets, an industry perspective.
Chris Waddington, 
Technical Director, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).
10:35 am

Coffee break

11:15 am
Implications of Fit for 55 on the Irish Maritime Sector and Wider Economy
Prof. Alan Ahearne, 
University of Galway, Ireland.
11:35 am
Climate Challenges for the Maritime Sector:  
National and International Targets
Caoimhín Ó Ciaruáin, 
Assistant Secretary, Department of Transport, Ireland.